10 August 2005

Welcome to the Shed

So first things first,

Nice to meet you, hope you're having a good day so far.

I'll warn you here from the off, this blog is gonna be pretty much experimental and a place for me to talk about anything interesting, funny or stupid that I feel like ramblings about. Chances are it'll be a pile of David Hasselhoff chest hair, but what the hell, it might be some fun and Ijust might like it!

So grab a wee stool, crack open a beer... bottle opener's over there mate....and enjoy your time in me shed.


Anonymous said...

Hey, this shed needs wallpaper!

And a pool table!


Shedboy said...

Sadly this shed aint mine, although a beauty it is!!

Come to think of it, I dont have a shed we can sit it, the Pagoda will have to do, nae cover if it rains though...

Flip those sausages over on the barbie for us mate...

Anonymous said...

another who calls himself shedboy! i thought i was the only one :P

ps. nice shed