Sensible World of Soccer. What more can you say about this other than it is one of THE greatest football games ever.
In my younger days, day after day used to be spent playing this classic on the Amiga. Couldn't keep count of how many joysticks were broken and taken back to the shop only for the new one to break within a week or two.

Those wee men zig-zagging down the wing, the goals from halfway. It all made for a brilliant gaming experience.
Therefore imagine my delight when I found the Home of the Underdogs and downloaded a good bit of SWOS. Saying that, had a bit of a problem setting it up on Windows XP, got it working fine on the Win98 at work but cant get to play it there much.
So got another copy off my mate, purchased via eBay and with fully updated teams for 2005/2006 season. Gonnae give it a wee shot tonight...

Must say though, playing with the keys is pretty tricky to get used to, need to see if i can find one of the old classic joysticks, just hope they dont break so easily these days!!
I got it running on Xp after a while, took ages before I realised that you have to disable sound and the controllers!! It's very temperamental, though.
But, what a game!!
There are updates available online, and even an editor so you can update the teams yourself!
USed to spend half my life on career mode, even got ICT to the Champions League final, this was when they were in the 3rd Division!
The depth of the tactics is astonishing, and it's there that the true beauty of this game lies.
Yeah i'll need to have a bash the night at the version I got ahold of from my mate. I'll make sure i disable the sound and such and see if it works.
Such a great game, can easily play it for ages and not get bored. Far superior to those other lightweight challengers such as FM2005 and CM5, they are just rubbish in comparison!! ;)
Got to say though, ICT??
What in the world would make you support them!?!?
Yeah Sensible Soccer is the best soccer game ever !! I play it from time to time. You can make it work perfectly by using a DOS emulator like DOSBox. Everything is ok even the newest joysticks.
Where did you get the update for season 2005-2006 please??
Yep, got it working last night through DosBox, cracking game, just need to get a joystick for it.
The updated version was on the CD my mate bought from eBay. It has an editor included so you can continually update the team.
I think if u have a look here then u might be able to pick up some updates for it.
Good luck!
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